Plain Onyx Stone Men's Ring

Black Circle Onyx Stone with Pattern Silver Men’s Ring Siding Ottoman Tughra


A fine accessory for any gentleman is this Silver Men's Ring Siding Ottoman Tughra set with a Black Circle Onyx Stone in a Pattern. A black onyx stone carved with a traditional Ottoman Tughra symbol sits at the ring's center; this was a design favorite of Ottoman sultans who wanted to display their authority and prestige. The silver-plated, intricate pattern work around the stone is so carefully crafted that it...

Ring Size: Choose an option

Choose an option
7 US / 55 mm
7.5 US / 56 mm
8 US / 57 mm
8.25 US / 58 mm
8.5 US / 59 mm
9 US / 60 mm
9.5 US / 61 mm
10 US / 62 mm
10.25 US / 63 mm
10.5 US / 64 mm
11 US / 65 mm
11.5 US / 66 mm
12 US / 68 mm
12.5 US / 69 mm
13 US / 70 mm
13.5 US / 71 mm